Saturday, January 14, 2012

Hello world! ^_^

This is my first post!

I'd like to introduce myself first. =)  It's the proper thing to do, right?

Call me Trijata. I'm your average person. You know, that random stranger you almost don't notice when you are ambling outside. I got this name from Ramayana. Well, back in college, I was assigned to study the character  "Trijata" and report about it. She is the demon keeper of Sita who happens to have a pure heart. I love her irony because despite being an evil creature, she kept good intentions. =) Her characterization left an impression on me and since then, I've been writing under her name. ^_^

This is inyaa's photo interpretation of Trijata. Credits to inyaa ^_^

On this blog, I will be writing about my penchants and fixations, my successes and frustrations. I will use this to be my own cyber Beulah, my own road to the yellow brick one. I wish to be broke no more. For to me, "being broke" connotes various implications, things beyond the financial or the economic. I wish to find myself beyond the confines of my wallet and my self-esteem. =) Sounds ambitious, doesn't it?

To be more specific, you can expect me to write about the following:

1. Saving money and being more spend-thrift
2. Frugal shop finds and frugal shopping
3. Discounts and sales
4. Personal stuff like what I've been doing, reading, watching, etc!
5. Poems and Short stories =)
6. Slice of life realizations and more!

I look forward to blogging more this 2012!
I hope you find some things of interest to you too here. =)

'Til next post! ^_^

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